Dr Mike Yeadon: Covid Injections Are Toxic by Design, They Were Always Going to Harm People

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“If you’re going to treat, effectively, everyone on the planet – you shouldn’t do it anyway but that’s certainly the stated intent – you need safety, safety, safety … That’s your first concern – even more than ‘does it work?’ – you need to make sure it’s very safe because you’re going to be giving it to, potentially, billions of people.”

During the 86th Session of the Corona Investigative Committee, Dr. Mike Yeadon spoke of his concerns regarding the Covid injections, presented evidence proving premeditation of particular Covid injection batches containing “lethal doses” and more.

This article is the second in a series breaking down Dr. Yeadon’s 2-hour 20 min presentation into more manageable chunks for those who may be short of time and unable to watch the full presentation in one sitting.  You can read about and watch the preceding section in our previous article HERE.  What follows relates to the so-called “vaccines”.

“As soon as I looked at the vaccines, I was really quite frightened because they’re a novel type. These have never been mass dosed to human beings.  There would be no way of knowing what kind of unwanted effects might come about.  So, what you do is careful empirical study … If you can think of a worry, you should show why it’s not going to happen.”

Dr Yeadon has, from the outset, had a number of concerns regarding the Covid injections.

Firstly, all four (AstraZeneca, Janssen or J&J, Pfizer, Moderna) are fundamentally the same design – they encode only the spike protein.  “Human immunity relies much more on understanding the molecular structure inside the ball [of the virus] than the spikes.  So, it seems, I thought, it was bad, just epidemiologically, to pick the outside part.”

Secondly, all viral spike proteins have some sort of biological properties that are unwelcome.  They are not just for anchoring the virus to the surface of a cell.  They are also biologically active, Dr. Yeadon explained, “they interact with the immune system and also the coagulation system.”  So, the Covid injections are toxic by design, they were always going to harm people.

Thirdly, “a classical vaccine is usually a killed piece or a killed preparation of the infective organism in a little bit of oil or alum, something like that – that’s a unit dose so you know how much you’re injecting into each person.  With these [Covid] vaccines we’re giving a unit dose of “code.”  That “code” could be taken up well, copied into protein very efficiently and might do so for a long time in one person.  In another person it might be taken up badly, copied inefficiently and only briefly,” Dr. Yeadon said. 

By choosing this design the range of outcomes is probably 1,000 worse than it would be for a conventional vaccine because “the actual amount of protein produced will vary by orders of magnitude and more,” he said, adding that this is on the assumption that each vial contains the same ingredients.

“But now, we are absolutely certain, it is not the same stuff in each vial.  And that means criminal acts are being committed,” he said.

Fourthly, with vaccines it is usually one dose, sometimes maybe two.  But it has never been a “whole train of them.”

What a vaccine should do which is prevent illness and reduce or stop transmission of a virus but, as admitted by governments and their advisors, the Covid injections do neither.

Dr. Yeadon explained why children, younger healthy people, pregnant women and people who have recovered from the virus should not be injected with the so-called Covid “vaccines.”

No studies have been done to establish the effects Covid injections have on pregnant women and their unborn children.  We had a strong wake call with thalidomide, for example, in the 60s.  “We now know that foetuses are exquisitely sensitive to perturbations in their environment,” Dr. Yeadon said, “we never, ever, give novel medical interventions to pregnant women.”

“If this was a public health measure, we would only administer vaccines to those people who could benefit most from it, people who are most likely to get ill and die,” he said.

Dr. Mike Yeadon: Vaccines, Corona Investigative Committee Session 86, The Fog Is Lifting, 7 January 2022 (19 mins)

Note: The clip above is extracted from Dr. Yeadon’s presentation during the Corona Investigative Committee Session 86 which you can watch on Odysee HERE.

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2 years ago

Dr.. Yeadon explained why children, younger healthy people, pregnant women and people who have recovered from the virus …’

What virus? That one which never was isolated and proven to be the cause of Covid?

The cause of covid is non-ionising radiation, period.
Here is the proof, discuss it Dr Yeadon!

With every day I find this committee, investigation team more and more suspicious, we are waisting time, there never will be a real Nurenberg 2.
Despite of that many found graphene oxide in the vax, no a word about it. Fuellmich seem to choose the wrong professionals.again and again. Co incidence? Just read an uncovering article about Dr Martin, another one about Dr Malone (he looks very fake). Fuellmich and team had almost two years and what did they reach?

How can a non existent virus be a base of a future trial?

Last edited 2 years ago by GundelP
Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

This “viruses don’t exist” garbage is posted just to discredit this site and the people reading it

Reply to  Dam
2 years ago

Tell it to the German High Court because their verdict on measles virus told the same. Or the Nobel prize winner virologist Dr Stefan Lanka who won that case. Virology is a sham. It’s proven.

Do you believe it to Expose?

Here comes the proof, detailed in the video.

YOUR IGNORANT, BLIND believe made this hoax possible. If you would have educated earlier on this you would have known since the start that it was a hoax, that whatever covid is, it can’t be a virus.
The TPTB, the parasitic elite could unleashed it because of the ignorance of the masses. Now watch the result! Billion vaxxed with poison and tagged, many died or already very ill.

Last edited 2 years ago by GundelP
Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

Spare us your pathetic disinformation.

The fact that Lanka and his people are frauds is easily recognized by the fact that the German court has not found that Lanka is right – as the liars claim. What has been established is that Lanka has deliberately set his contest conditions so narrowly that proof is not possible at all.

That is what was decided there in court.

Only the biggest morons fall for the fraud of Lanka & Co.

Reply to  Dr.Bilbao
2 years ago

“What has been established is that Lanka has deliberately set his contest conditions so narrowly that proof is not possible at all.

That is what was decided there in court.”

This is also disinformation!

You can read the decision of the German Court here (needs translation):


Dr. Lanka did not set his contest conditions such that proof is not possible at all! That is NOT what was decided there in court!

Fact is, the existence of viruses has not been scientifically proven! No “virus” has ever been isolated in proper sense of what “isolation” means. All papers referring to having a virus isolated missuse the term “isolate”! While microscope imagery depicts particles claimed to be viruses (although they could be just “regular” exosomes), no such particle has been isolated in order to perform either it’s genetic sequencing or use it according to Koch’s postulates to prove it to be a virus!

If you take a closer look at how the existence of viruses is supposed to be proven, you will see just how many assumptions are being made in the process, let alone unscientific approaches, which simply discredit Virology as a real science…

There’s also a 1500000 EUR prize for scientific proof of the existence of a corona virus:


“The fact that Lanka and his people are frauds is easily recognized by the fact that the German court has not found that Lanka is right ”

After you actually read what the court ruling was about, you will hopefully also understand that Lanka didn’t have to pay the prize to that guy who sued him, because he was right about the fact that no legit proof was brought for the claim…

Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

“Tell it to the German High Court because their verdict on measles virus told the same. Or the Nobel prize winner virologist Dr Stefan Lanka who won that case.”

Dr. Lanka ist a Biologist and he is NOT a Nobel prize winner!

The German Court did NOT decide on measles virus existence!!!

You better inform yourself before spreading misinformation!

Simply read here what Dr. Lanka’s Court problem and respective decision was all about (need to translate the German text):


Reference 12. there links to the actual decision of the German Court, in case you doubt the accuracy of the short description of the Case on Wikipedia (this is going to be a bit longer and more difficult to understand if you’re not familiar with the language)…

Reply to  Dam
2 years ago

No, it isn’t Trolls like you who shill for the covid fable discredit your own dubious humanity. If the virus exists, why wasn’t it used as the basis for the test and for the vaccines?

That basic lie; that there is a killer plague virus loos among the population, is the basis for the entire scam of a pandemic and a savior “vaccine”. Face it: There is no novel coronavirus, no pandemic and the “vaccine” is a bioweapon designed to cull the human population on a massive scale.

2 years ago

One more thing because I am getting angry.
Isn’t it a bit too late? I love them stressing people (extra harm or as how Icke would say ‘perception’) when who already wanted, got the vax, who didn’t won’t fall for it, no matter what.

Did you manage to find out more about that people emit MAC address? Because I did, and now I am 100% sure that La Quinta Columna (orwell.city) was right, Dr Benito’ findings were correct.

I bought an old Huwei tablet with Android 6 for pennies on the net, I went to a shop, made photos about the MAC addresses it found, later at home I tried to identify those ones the tablet previously couldn’t, with the help of macvendors’ site. The first 6 digits/characters always refer to the manufacturer, if can’t be found then they didn’t come from a mobile or headset, etc. They are coming from the vaxxed people.

Yesterday a young couple visited us shortly, we checked, both emitted MAC and none of them could be identified. They were tagged. Period.

Istrate Alexandru
Istrate Alexandru
Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

Sorry, I didn’t understand last part? You checked if someone emitted a Mac address? How you do that? How you check Mac of non connected devices to a network?

Reply to  Istrate Alexandru
2 years ago

This is about Bluetooth MAC, not WiFi. You just check for other BT devices within range by enabling the BT on your mobile phone…

This story about vaxxed people getting a BT device embedded should be easily verifiable if you know people who were jabbed. All you have to do is ask them to remove any electronic device they may have (or make sure these are turned off) before you turn on your BT to make the testing. If your phone finds any MAC address, try go together enough far away from any populated area to make sure you don’t pick up a signal from some other hidden device within range. That’s all!

I tried this with a few people I know, and none proved this story true! All examples I found on the internet are b.s. they prove nothing but improperly performed experiments. Yet many seem to take them as proof that vaxxed people have BT capabilities…

2 years ago

[…] Dr Mike Yeadon: Covid Injections Are Toxic by Design, They Were Always Going to Harm People .https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/10/mike-yeadon-covid-injections-are-toxic/ […]

2 years ago

Medical clinics and hospitals in USA are denying life-saving Ivermectin medicine even with court orders. Big Pharma doing all that they can to push the vaxx and inoculate us while effective and cheap COVID cures exist. There turns out to be censorship that we have never seen before for those who are looking for these treatments. We say over and over again that indepenedent researchers found Ivermectin safe and very effective for these Flu-Corona symptoms. Getting Ivermectin is easy ivmpharmacy.com

Last edited 2 years ago by Purebloodpatriot
jim carter
jim carter
2 years ago

QUESTION: If covid jabs contain razor sharp magnetic fragments of graphene oxide that circulate in the blood can be agitated by 5G frequencies, can a 5G telephone call be used to kill any injected person ? A horrifying answer on https://www.brighteon.com/37bd11cd-701d-4d52-96c3-eeba54d9914b appears to be a definite YES !!!! Blood vessels can be shredded by 5G alternating current.

Reply to  jim carter
2 years ago

While I am not sure about that graphene hydroxide (razor type) thing, I think graphene oxide in one layer itself has sharp enough edges.
Graphene get excited and causes harm when it gets charge from the environment, that doesn’t matter much what gave the charge to it as many thing can do, not 5G phone related in my opinion. Just an opinion.
The charge part – how it works – came from Karen Kingston (ex-Pfizer, contract worker)
Russian guys made an experiment with it showing it, the phone looked rather old. That’s a bunch of graphene (black) on the video, in the vax that one layer type is transparent. You can see similar if it challenged with a magnet (the video taken on the beach, Australia, two girls testing the black part of the sand), it looks as it would grow but just rearranged itself due to the magnetic effect.

The Russian one and thanks for the link above:

Last edited 2 years ago by GundelP
Reply to  jim carter
2 years ago

It’s about Lieber, then read this:
“…A cutting-edge technology, which has applications for weaponry, transportation, medicine, artificial intelligence, surveillance, mind control…is being openly shared between the US and China….
Another made up thing, they were in it, both of them.

2 years ago

[…] in one sitting.  You can read about and watch the preceding section in our previous article HERE.  What follows relates to the “Hot Lots” and the analysis done by Team […]

peter finnie
peter finnie
2 years ago

When are we going to see justice done for all those killed and maimed?

Rich Zebro
Rich Zebro
2 years ago

“What a vaccine should do which is prevent illness and reduce or stop transmission of a virus but, as admitted by governments and their advisors, the Covid injections do neither.”

Sorry dude. Flu vaccines don’t make people immune to the flu, they only have a more powerful immune response when they contract the flu. And the can still pass on the flu to others. And some people still get very ill even if they had the flu vaccinate. And we need new flu vaccines every time a new flu varient is in circulation. That’s usually annually but for COVID it’s more like every couple months instead of every 12 months. So no, COVID is not unique in regards to these issues.

I have a problem listening to Dr Yeadon on anything when he’s wrong on these basics.

Reply to  Rich Zebro
2 years ago

Well, nobody is perfect…

P.S. If you don’t mind, I recommend you read the English text on this page:


Reply to  Rich Zebro
2 years ago

hi peter,
Flu vaccines don’t make people immune to the flu’: You’re correct on this one however, flu vaccination is not mandatory and doesn’t discriminate.

Secondly, is there any longtime study that a yearly flu-vax has a longtime positive effect on the human immune system ?

Or, do these annual vax negatively impact on the body’s own immune system ?

I believe, that certain vax are indeed needed however, have my doubt that the covid vax is one of them.

hush hush
global indemnity for all involved (except the patient )
a global consensus for MRNA ( without any proof, the vax is experimental !!!)
negative impact of the vax is downplayed ( each vax has side effect )
no reliable data ( conveniently domestic states are in charge )
unvaxed are being treated differently ( really, for a servere flu )
to put the icing on the cake each recipient has to sign a consent form:
voluntary-to be fully informed
WHAT ???

Reply to  Rich Zebro
2 years ago

You’re only presenting evidence that no “flu vaccine” has ever worked to protect anyone from any kind of flu at all.

2 years ago

[…] executive Dr. Mike Yeadon, who has argued for months that the COVID injections “are toxic by design” and “were always going to harm people,” it seems obvious “criminal acts are being […]

2 years ago

Schrödinger’s Bat:

COVID vaccine mandates are necessary because the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected.

Found it here… https://www.henrymakow.com

2 years ago

[…] former Pfizer executive Dr. Mike Yeadon, who has argued for months that the COVID injections “are toxic by design” and “were always going to harm people,” it seems obvious “criminal acts are being […]

2 years ago

–       Lets get back to reality people and forget our ‘imaginary’ differences on the subject. In 2 – 3 years time when all data are available we may watch in disbelieve what we’re told….. and as in most circumstances we may  have forgotten our silly arguments. 
–       One is for sure, Governments ( +  their department heads) should never/ever silence people or discriminate against.

–       Things we may have forgotten which were probably not justified:
–       Korean –Vietnam – Irag – Syrian – Afghanistan wars ( and many inhuman incidents )
–       Unethical  human tests: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_States
–       https://www.wondersandmarvels.com/2014/06/experimenting-innocent-u-s-armys-secret-chemical-testing-1950s-1960s.html
–       https://www.officialasvab.com/researchers/history-of-military-testing/
–       https://priceonomics.com/how-the-us-government-tested-biological-warfare-on/
–       https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1977/03/09/army-conducted-239-secret-open-air-germ-warfare-tests/b17e5ee7-3006-4152-acf3-0ad163e17a22/
–       https://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/biowar.html

2 years ago

Natural Covid Delta immunity more effective than vaccination – CDC study
Despite contradicting previous advice from health officials, the study still insists that vaccination is the “safest strategy” against the coronavirus
–       The study, published on Wednesday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), found that as the Delta variant became the dominant coronavirus strain during the second half of 2021, people who were vaccinated were six times less likely to catch Covid-19 than those who hadn’t been jabbed.
–       However, those who had been infected with an earlier variant of the coronavirus, but hadn’t been vaccinated, were between 15 and 29 times less likely to catch the virus.
–       A similar difference was noticed in hospitalization rates, with prior immunity conferring better protection against hospitalization than vaccination.
–       Despite its disadvantage compared to natural immunity, the CDC stressed that “vaccination remains the safest strategy” for preventing Covid-19 infections. This is because “having Covid the first time carries with it significant risks,” study co-author Dr. Eli Rosenberg told CNN. Likewise Dr. Erica Pan, state epidemiologist for the California Department of Public Health, recommended that even those with prior infection get vaccinated to ensure they get a layer of “additional protection.”
–       The study’s conclusion contradicts earlier claims from top US health officials.
–        At the beginning of the Delta outbreak last May, White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci insisted that vaccines “are better than the traditional response you get from natural infection.” Fauci has also been accused by Republican lawmakers of ignoring studies touting the benefits of natural immunity, “because it foils his plans to get everybody possible vaccinated.”
–       As it was conducted during the surge of Delta infections, the study offers no insight into the efficacy of vaccines against the now-dominant Omicron variant. 

2 years ago

For your attention – it seems that Mike Yeadon’s consideration getting a broader support.
“EU drug regulators, World Health Organization experts and the former chairman of the UK’s COVID task force all cited mounting evidence mRNA COVID boosters aren’t working and the strategy should be dropped.”
BTW: Spain and the UK are planning to categorise Covid from pandemic to endemic in the next months.  
While some of us may not agree on all of Mike Yeadon’s article please read on – as you may learn something and if you are old enough you may remember:
Thalidomide (Contergan), was widely (globally) used in the late 1950s / 1960s for the treatment of nausea (morning sickness ) in pregnant women. It became apparent in the late 1960s that this drug resulted in severe birth defects in approx 10thousand children worldwide. It was claimed by all involved that no-one could have known the harm the drug caused as no data was available at the time (until 15 years later ).
However, there were plenty of red flags ignored as it seems with Covid-Vax today.
Please consider this:
·       An experimental drug is released for global ‘emergency’ use.
·       With an experimental drug comes a lack of (research) data.
·       For instance ‘what medical pre-conditions’ should avoid a vaccination.
·       However, as a pre-emptive measurement Governments indemnified all involved from the start:
o  Manufacturer
o  Distributers
o  All Administers of Covid Vax
o  And in some Countries Vax is made mandatory
·       The Patient has to sign an ‘Informed Consent Form’
Just hold your breath for a second…… an informed consent for an experimental drug ???
Sample from:
·        Informed Consent: Please read and sign.
“By my signature below, I consent to the administration of the vaccine(s) by a pharmacist or a supervised student pharmacist or technician, or other authorized person, where permitted by law or state/federal guidance, employed or contracted by Albertsons Companies or one of its affiliated pharmacies and to be contacted at the number provided above regarding other immunizations for which I am due or eligible to receive. I also release Albertsons Companies and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents from all liability, including acts of omission or commission, resulting, or arising from my receipt of this vaccination. I understand that: 1) I have voluntarily chosen to receive the vaccination and understand that I am obligated to pay for all products and services received, if applicable. 2) I may be responsible for payment after the date of service if the product or service is billed to my medical benefit. 3) I am of legal age and authorized to execute this consent form or I am the parent/guardian of the minor patient. 4) I will immediately alert the pharmacist of any medical conditions which may adversely affect my personal health or effectiveness of the vaccine. 5) I have been counselled about potential side effects after vaccination, when they may occur, and when and where I should seek treatment. I am responsible for following up with my physician at my expense if I experience any side effects. 6) I should remain in the area for observation for 15 minutes unless I have a history of an immediate allergic reaction of any severity to a vaccine or inject able therapy or if I have a history of anaphylaxis due to any cause I should remain in the area for observation for 30 minutes after the vaccination. If I leave the area without waiting, I acknowledge that I am doing so at my own risk and against the advice of the professional who administered the vaccine. 7) I have read, or have had read to me, the Vaccine Information Statement(s) (“VIS”) or Emergency Use Authorization (“EUA”) provided for the vaccine(s) to be administered. I have had the opportunity to ask questions, and all my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I understand the benefits and risks of the vaccine(s). 8) I have been offered and/or provided a copy of the company’s Notice of Privacy Practices in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). 9) This vaccination, including any vaccination granted additional privacy protections under state or federal law, is subject to reporting by my pharmacy or its business associate to an immunization registry, which may share my immunization data with others, and to my primary care physician, the authorizing physician, or the local Department of Health, if applicable, and I authorize these disclosures. (New Jersey Only: I authorize do not authorize reporting of my receipt of this vaccination to my primary care provider I understand that failure to check authorize/do not authorize will serve as authorization.) (South Dakota and Massachusetts only: I understand I have the right to object to the sharing of my data to the above-mentioned parties through such registries.)
·       X
·       Signature of. “

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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